Chemineer designs, sells manufactures, and services a complete line of agitators and static mixers under the brand names of Chemineer (gear drive agitators and portable mixers) and Kenics (static mixers).
Chemineer agitators include top, side, and bottom entering units for use in a variety of applications from small pilot scale to large production units. Products include right-angle and parallel shaft units, gear-reduced, direct-drive, and air-driven designs. Agitators can be mounted on beams/channels, clamp mounted to the tank side, or flange mounted to the vessel with a variety of sealing options.
If there were only one mixing job to do, only one impeller would be required. However, there is a very wide range of problems in agitation, and the best impeller for one application may not be the best impeller for another. Chemineer engineers have designed numerous impellers for a large number of different mixing applications to provide the best mixing at the highest efficiency.

Kenics Static Mixers include the KM Series for difficult laminar and turbulent flow applications, the UltraTab Series for non-viscous Chemical injection in turbulent flow applications where space is an issue, and the HEV Series for high-volume turbulent flow applications.

From concept to completion, LFM has the people to get the job done. Whether you require plan take-offs, CAD details, or submittals; LFM can help.
LFM Products
- Tanks Rectangular Tanks
- Watertight Fiberglass Manholes
- Fiberglass Drop Manholes
- Wetwell Attached Valve Vaults
- Drinking Water Tanks
- Fiberglass Manhole Risers
- Fiberglass Wetwells
- Valve Vaults
- Fiberglass Manholes
- Fiberglass Manhole Liners
- Fiberglass Wetwell Liners
- RainGuard Inflow Protectors